
audience Reviews

, 76% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    I watched it 3 times but I still only understan like 75% percent of the movie 🤣. But if you love hard to understand sci-fi movies than it's a great watch. Just don't be on your phone while watching it, because if you don't hear even one line of the dialogue, good luck understanding the rest of the movie haha.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tenet is cool but as I watched it I felt like I needed a PhD and 5 citations to my name to understand it. The films idea of time running backwards is cool but it's extremely hard to follow, but the logic of this film is extremely hard to follow. In the film a character literally says "don't try to understand it". Also the film has a very strange approach to dialogue. Conversations between characters seem to start and stop is random locations without a explication on how the characters got there. As I watched I wondered if this was purposeful and Tenet was really some Avant-garde experimental film.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This movie surprised me, in a positive way. I really liked the story, which could easily be confusing, but as the movie unfolds you can understand why the story is well told, not to mention the action scenes, which are not only different because of the reversal, but also great. This concept of moving with time is what made me like this movie so much. Esse filme me surpreendeu, de maneira positiva. Gostei muito da história, que poderia ser facilmente confusa, mas com o desenrolar do filme é possível entender porque a história é bem contada, sem contar com as cenas de ação que além de diferentes devido à reversão, são ótimas, esse conceito de mexer com o tempo foi o que me fez gostar muito desse filme.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    interesting, confusing, rewatchable i think
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    This film has a very complex and complicated plot and with many twists that not everyone understood. The action scenes are beautiful and entertaining. However, I found some characters that could have been explored better
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Tenet is one of those movies where you have to suspend your rationality for a bit or else it falls apart pretty fast. If you think time travel is pretty confusing then Tenet is probably 10 times as much. There are many scenes that are pretty interesting artistically speaking. So in short I think Tenet is worth maybe one viewing and after that I'll probably only revisit a few well done scene maybe.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Visually stunning. Wonderful cast, well acted, beautifully styled. I had a massive headache after watching the movie that I was lost in 85% of the time..I stuck with it but only had a broad sense of what was happening the longer the movie played. The backwards/forwards time storyline was very confusing and seemed inconsistent in its delivery throughout the movie. I couldn't even read the synopsis afterwards(to help me sort out what I had just watched) as it was too convoluted. For me, this movie was terribly disjointed, as if it was missing key parts of the script because the intended effect was to really make the audience have that "ahhh ha" moment once the reveal was made. Bottom line: I spent more time distracted trying to sort out where I was in the movie that I never really could just enjoy the story. Toooooo much of a labyrinth for me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've always loved Christopher Nolan as a director his creativity is what I love . honestly I loved tenet but I understand why a lot a people are having trouble to understand this movie because myself who has a phd on physics , not everyone has the patience to understand physics , despite not being all scientifically accurate I feel the creativity is the one of the best things that this movie has once you understand it , it's really going to change your mind of this movie being garbage
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Unwatchable. The plot is nonsensical. The star has the charisma of a block of wood. There is a blue filter on the entire movie. The music doesn't stop. It's a boring, ridiculous fantasy that could never happen. I was unable to finish it.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Definitely fun to watch but definitely very very confusing