
audience Reviews

, 33% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant! A bravura performance from Tom Mercier and being the big Berlinale winner is just the beggining of this masterfully arrogant film. Transgressive, smart and even moving, this, if you have enough patience and if you are willing to get into this crazy world, will blow your mind.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the best movies of the year. An amazing statement on identity and a vivid portrayal of the essence of youth and all the raw feelings it implies.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Shocking, near perfection. Mercier's performance is thrilling.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    There's a scene in this movie that will almost guarantee if you haven't done so already that you'll turn it off. There's a fine line between art and provocation. There's a good movie in here, but this isn't it. PS: Staying to the end will only ruin your day. Final Score: 2.0/10
  • Rating: 1.5 out of 5 stars
    Kinda meh. I know it suppose to be a satire. But it's the end message that's so righ wing propaganda like. "Europe is so welcoming of immigrants they are cucking it and Jews place is in Israel that's where they belong" ok whatever I guess. Story wise there's not much either. 1.5/5
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    La búsqueda desesperada de una identidad Yoav es un joven israelí que luego de su servicio militar decide abandonar Israel e instalarse en París, abjurando de su nacionalidad y del hebreo y adoptando el francés como única lengua, repitiendo obsesivamente listas de sinónimos en ese idioma. Cuenta al comienzo con la ayuda de una pareja de jóvenes franceses bastante millonarios que son la quintaescencia de la Francia culta y algo aburrida, con quienes sigue manteniendo un vínculo de naturaleza variable. Y luego, no obstante, entabla algunas ocupaciones relacionadas con al embajada israelí. El director Nadav Lapid nos hace empatizar casi de entrada con su protagonista (Tom Mercier) mostrándolo desnudo frente a cámara (y no será la única vez que aparezca así), instalando la poderosa presencia física de Yoav. Hay en Yoav algo de niño, de quijotesco y de loco en su periplo y en su afán por integrarse a Francia, una suerte de energía que no encuentra un canal adecuado o convincente de expresión. Su tenacidad resulta a veces conmovedora. En lo personal, esta película, a la que hay que reconocerle un tono muy original y que oscila entre la comedia y el drama, no me terminó de cerrar, ni como oposición de las culturas israelí y francesa ni como crítica a ambas. Me quedo con la sutileza y la poesía de su anterior película, la conmovedora La maestra de jardín.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A beautiful meditation on Israeli fear, the difficulties of assimilating in France and the fortune of being born in a safe and developed nation.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    Peculiar film indeed, but that in my book, is always a good thing! Puzzling, often confusing and with a really thin plot, but filled with fascinating scenes and moments, and a certain kind of poetry that will not be everyone's taste. The only way you'll know for sure though, is to watch it! And that I recommend.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Came across to me as a very pretentious and confusing arthouse film, like an experimental movie. The filmmaker seemed intent on keeping the storyline as cryptic as possible. Were the pro critics that raved about this movie watching the same film as myself?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The movie deals with a highly relevant theme of national self-identification within the globalised world. Although the topic is so promising the language of the film is sometimes puzzling and often leaves you frustrated.